Drugs Effect Erectile Dysfunction

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Do Drugs Effect Erectile Dysfunction

Most people understand that smoking, along with poor diet, can lead to the accumulation of plaque that clogs arteries and blocks the flow of blood to the heart. Plaque can also block the arteries leading to the genitals, interfering with the ability to attain an erection. Drinking too much alcohol and abusing drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, may also cause impotence, according to the U.S. Army Medical Department. Narcotic pain relievers such as vicodin (hydrocodone), OxyContin (oxycodone), or dilaudid (hydromorphone), and tranquilizers such as librium (chlordiazepoxide), ativan (lorazepam), or valium (diazepam) may also contribute to erectile dysfunction. A changing approach to pain management and alternative treatments for anxiety need to be explored with the help of a physician.
In some cases, sexual dysfunction can be easily treated through a number of different libido boosting medications such as viagra. However, these type of medications do little to solve to puzzle as to why a person who should otherwise be healthy and sexual is experiencing sexual problems. Some individuals have deeper, psychological problems that are causing the issues they are having with their libido, desires or feelings. Others are simply experiencing the negative effects that certain drugs have on a body when taken in chronic levels. Abusing drugs and alcohol causes many problems for a person, including sexual issues and the only solution is to stop using the drug before the issues become permanent.

Common Treatments for ED: Medications

Drugs that cure Erectile Dysfunction
Drugs that cure Erectile Dysfunction

Standard treatments for ED include lifestyle changes, such as:

losing weight
stopping smoking
curbing alcohol intake

Medications like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra increase blood flow to the penis. But they can also cause side effects, including:

nasal congestion
upset stomach
vision changes
facial flushing

Men who have experienced a stroke or have uncontrolled diabetes or low blood pressure should not take ED medications.

Testosterone replacement and erection-inducing injections are also available. Side effects may include:

breast enlargement
increased urination
aching in the penis
gum or mouth irritation

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